In 2016 i moved back to this little village Stryn, the town where I grew up. I had realized one very simple thing, the nature here contains almost all the elements that i could ever dream of having around my house.
The size : population-ratio is perfect. Not very crowded, and a lot of space for skiing, trekking and climbing. The municipality Stryn has a population of around 7100 citizens, and includes villages such as Loen, Olden, Innvik and Utvik. Stryn covers an area of almost 1400 km2, where the Jostedalsbreen Glacier is a significant part of the total area. This glacier simply proves we have a lot of snow in the mountains.
In summer, Stryn has become one of the most famous destinations for tourism in Norway. Travelers comes from every part of the world with their caravans, cars, or by plane to nearby airports or bus. A lot of tourists arrives by large cruise ships in Olden harbor. In fact almost 100 ships between mai and september in 2017. The best information source for visitors arriving this region is the tourist information company Visit Nordfjord | www.nordfjord.no. Here you will find information about accommodation, restaurants, local food, local transport and a selection of activity providers.
As you already know, this site as you are reading now, is neither a guide, tourist information or a company site. Nor is it a up-to-date resource for skiing conditions, climbing and glaciertours or a site aiming to describe a listing such as "top 10 activities to do in Stryn". You yourself must plan your explorations according to your own skill and abilities, and you are the one who must do your own risk assessment. This site is purely ment to give an overview of some random activities in the region for inspiration.
Contact: einar(at)breogfjell.no
The size : population-ratio is perfect. Not very crowded, and a lot of space for skiing, trekking and climbing. The municipality Stryn has a population of around 7100 citizens, and includes villages such as Loen, Olden, Innvik and Utvik. Stryn covers an area of almost 1400 km2, where the Jostedalsbreen Glacier is a significant part of the total area. This glacier simply proves we have a lot of snow in the mountains.
In summer, Stryn has become one of the most famous destinations for tourism in Norway. Travelers comes from every part of the world with their caravans, cars, or by plane to nearby airports or bus. A lot of tourists arrives by large cruise ships in Olden harbor. In fact almost 100 ships between mai and september in 2017. The best information source for visitors arriving this region is the tourist information company Visit Nordfjord | www.nordfjord.no. Here you will find information about accommodation, restaurants, local food, local transport and a selection of activity providers.
As you already know, this site as you are reading now, is neither a guide, tourist information or a company site. Nor is it a up-to-date resource for skiing conditions, climbing and glaciertours or a site aiming to describe a listing such as "top 10 activities to do in Stryn". You yourself must plan your explorations according to your own skill and abilities, and you are the one who must do your own risk assessment. This site is purely ment to give an overview of some random activities in the region for inspiration.
About myself.
I am Einar Løken, a IFMGA mountain guide based in Stryn, Norway. I work as a lecturer in Friluftsliv and Naturguiding at Volda University College, and are one of the co-owners and professional guides in Breogfjell Mountain Guides | www.breogfjell.no/en. I am also active member in the regional alpine rescue team.Contact: einar(at)breogfjell.no